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About us

The Raspberry Group combines a wealth of trade and professional expertise to provide an almost unique offering.


With our truly global reach, global connections and decades of experience across multiple sectors, we think our ability to get things done and our general offering is unique.
2023 saw us restructure our group of companies under new Raspberry Global branding, and it saw senior team members relocate, locations close, and new locations open. Looking forward to the future with our expanded offering and creating the structure to provide that offering has been an exciting period.

Overall, consolidating multiple experienced people with wide and varied skills and multiple entities under one brand ensured a combined offering unmatched by the individual entities.


Our team of former CEOs, CFOs, Lawyers, Bankers, Accountants, Financiers, Tax specialists and successful entrepreneurs spanning from commodities to cargo to tech to healthcare, and spanning from East to West, brings a force of connections, experience, abilities, and offerings that are collectively unmatched by any other traditional entity that we have seen.

Cargo Ship at Sea

The new group means that our range of activities now spans a spectrum of industries and services,


  • Business Risk Review and Evaluation,

  • Carbon Credits and Renewables,

  • Commercial Activity & Commodity Trading,

  • Business Legal Services;

  • International Trade, Commercial Contracts, and Shipping,

  • Construction Advice and Development Activity

  • Construction Project management,

  • Corporate Placement;

  • Dispute Services: Arbitration & Adjudication,

  • Dispute Neutral: our unique swift and low-cost contractual resolution service for business disputes of insufficient value to take to more traditional methods of resolution,

  • Digital Marketing & Media: traditional marketing is firmly relegated to the past with real-time information and shaping of the message for maximum effectiveness,

  • International relationship management and brand introduction,

  • Logistics: tug/barge and cargo operations strategically placed around the world,

  • Product Supply and Sourcing,

  • Property and Asset activity,

  • Property Portfolio Management,

  • Sports Management and Disputes; 

  • Witness Training: Our experienced legal and commercial team guides you in presenting your evidence best.


Our unique experience and multi-sector offering enable us to steer any trade, advice or activity to a simple and successful outcome.

Please refer to the ‘Services’ section for more details of any service.

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